Jose M. Arranz
Jose M. Arranz is a PhD in Economics. He is a Professor at the University of Alcalá (Madrid). He is a specialist in econometrics and labor economics, he has carried out research in a wide variety of fields such as labour market segmentation, unemployment benefits, job tenure, active labour market policy, etc., using standard and advanced econometrics techniques such as panel data, duration data models, discrete choice models, impact evaluation and more. His published papers have appeared in international journals such as Labour Economics, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of Economic Inequality, Social Indicators Research, and so on.
He has also taken part in or led projects for Spanish national institutions (e.g. Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Science and Technology, and Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness), international institutions (e.g. European Commission and DG Employment) and private institutions as well (e.g Ramon Areces Foundation, the Spanish Association of Temporary Work Agencies, Oxfam Intermon).
He is a research fellow in international universities and research centers, such as University College London (UK), VATT (Helsinki, Finland) and Eurofound (Dublin, Ireland). He has been responsible for organising human and technical resources as Deputy Director in the Department of Economics in the University of Alcalá. He coordinates the Impact Evaluation Research Group and he is in charge of the Master in Applied Economics in the University of Alcalá.
Here you can find a link to his personal website.
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. and V. Hernanz (2018), “Short-time work and employment stability: evidence from a policy change”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, DOI: 10.1111/bjir.12250 (forthcoming).
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. and V. Hernanz (2018), “Employment quality: Are there differences y types of contract?”, Social Indicators Research, DOI:10.1007/s11205-017-1586-4 (forthcoming).
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. and V. Hernanz (2018), “The changing use of short-time work schemes: evidence from two recessions”, European Journal of Industrial Relations (forthcoming).
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano,C. and Hernanz, V. (2018), “Calidad del empleo: Medición transversal y longitudinal, Hacienda Pública Española,(forthcoming).
- Arranz, J.M. and Muñoz-Bullón, F., (2016), “Unemployment benefits and recall jobs: a split population model”, Applied Economics Letters, 23, 940-944. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2015.1122726
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano, C. (2015), “Los sistemas de prestaciones por desempleo de “Experience Rating”. Un análisis de los despidos temporales y los subsidios cruzados en España”, Hacienda Pública Española, 212 (1/2015), 129-168. DOI: 10.7866/HPE-RPE15.1.5.
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano, C. (2014), “The interplay of the unemployment compensation system, fixed-term contracts and rehirings: the case of Spain”, International Journal of Manpower, 35 (8), 1236-1259. DOI: 10.1108/IJM-04-2012-0064
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano, C. (2014), “Duration and recurrence in unemployment benefits”, Journal of Labor Research, 35(3), 271-295. DOI: 10.1007/s12122-014-9184-6.
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano, C. (2014), “How green was my valley: Earnings differentials and the changing distribution of wages in Spain, 2005-2010”, International Journal of Manpower, 35(7), 1059-1087. DOI: 10.1108/IJM-01-2012-0019. DOI: 10.1111/j.1564-913X.2013.00184.x.
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano (2013), “The effective measure of unemployment benefit duration: data on spells or individuals”, Applied Economics Letters, vol. 20(14), 1328-1332. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2013.806780.
- Arranz, J.M. García-Serrano, C. and Hernanz, V. (2013), ” Active labour market policies in Spain: a macroeconomic evaluation”, International Labour Review, vol. 152 (2), 327-348. DOI: 10.1111/j.1564-913X.2013.00184.x.
- Arranz, J.M. and Cantó, O. (2012), “Measuring the effect of spell recurrence on poverty dynamics – evidence from Spain“, The Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 10 (2), 191-217. DOI: 10.1007/s10888-011-9191-2.
- Alba-Ramirez, A., Arranz, J.M. and Muñoz-Bullón, F., (2012),” Re-employment probabilities of unemployment benefit recipients”, Applied Economics, vol. 44(28), 3645-3664.
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. (2011), “Are the MCVL tax data useful? Ideas for mining “, Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 199(4), 151-186.
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. and Davia, M.A., (2010), “Worker turnover and wages in Europe”, The Manchester School, vol. 78(6), 678-701. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9957.2009.02154.x.
- Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. and Toharia, L., (2010), “The influence of temporary employment on unemployment exits in a competing risk framework”, Journal of Labor Research, vol. 31, 67-90. DOI: 10.1007/s12122-009-9078-1.
- Arranz, J.M. and Gil, A.I., (2009), “Traffic accidents, deaths and alcohol consumption”, Applied Economics, vol. 41, 2583-2595. DOI: 10.1080/00036840701222652
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano, C. (2007),“¿Qué ha sucedido con la estabilidad del empleo en España? Un análisis desagregado con los datos de la EPA: 1987-2003”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, vol. 15 (45), 39-68.
- Arranz, J.M. and Muro, J. (2007),“Duration data models, unemployment benefit and bias”,Applied Economics Letters, vol. 14 (15), 1119-1122. DOI: 10.1080/13504850600606000
- Alba-Ramirez, A., Arranz, J.M. and Muñoz-Bullón, F., (2007), “Exits from unemployment: recall or new job”, Labour Economics, vol. 14, 788-810. DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2006.09.004
- Arranz, J.M. and Muro, J. (2004),“An extra time duration model with application to unemployment duration under benefits in Spain”, Hacienda Pública Española, vol.168(4), 133-156.
- Arranz, J.M. and García-Serrano, C. (2004),“ The influence of previous labour market histories on subsequent job tenure”, Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 168(1), 47-68.