Luis Rubalcaba
Actualmente es Catedrático de Economía en la Universidad de Alcalá. También es especialista y asesor para organizaciones internacionales, como el Banco Mundial, donde fue especialista senior para el Comercio y Competitividad Global (miembro del staff, en Washington DC durante los años 2013 a 2016).
Otras posiciones anteriores incluyen Fulbright Schuman Scholar en la Universidad de Boston (EEUU), profesor distinguido en VTT-Tekes (Finlandia), académico honorario de la Universidad de Birmingham (Reino Unido) y presidente de la asociación científica RESER (Asociación Europea de Investigación para los Servicios).Durante algunos años trabajó para la Comisión Europea en Luxemburgo (Eurostat), y Bruselas (DG Empresa e Industria). Más allá de la UE, también ha estado ofreciendo informes de asesoramiento y de políticas de expertos para la OCDE, la ONU y el BID.
En las economías en desarrollo ha estado trabajando en países como Ecuador, Jordania, Jamaica, República Dominicana y Uruguay.
Es autor o coautor de más de 100 publicaciones, la mayoría en casas editoriales internacionales y revistas especializadas, y sobre todo en materia de servicios y servicios intensivos en conocimiento, la innovación y las redes de innovación, el desarrollo regional y urbano, la internacionalización y la competitividad.
Publicaciones seleccionadas sobre Servicios, Innovación y Competitividad
- Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum, P. (Eds) (2013) Public Private Innovation Networks in Services. Edward Elgar, Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US).
- Rubalcaba, L. (2007) The New Service Economy: Challenges and Policy implications for Europe. Edward Elgar, Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US).
- Rubalcaba, L. and Kox, H. (Eds) (2007) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth. Palgrave-MacMillan, London (UK) and New York (US)
- Cuadrado, J. R., Rubalcaba, and Bryson J. (Eds) (2002) Trading Services in the Global Economy. Edward Elgar Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US)
- Rubalcaba, L. (1999) Business Services in European Industry: Growth, Employment and Competitiveness. European Commission, Brussels.
Libros en Español:
- Aboal, D., Crespi, G., and L. Rubalcaba (2015): La innovación y la nueva economía de servicios en América Latina y el Caribe. Retos e implicaciones de política. CINVE – IDB.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2011) Crisis económica y construcción social. Encuentro, Madrid.
- Rubalcaba, L. and Kox, H. (Ed) (2010) Los servicios a empresas en el crecimiento económico europeo. Marcial Pons-Fundación Rafael del Pino, Madrid.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2008) Los servicios en la economía europea: desafíos e implicaciones de política económica. Marcial Pons-Fundación Rafael del Pino, Madrid.
- L. (2002). Competitividad y bienestar de la Economía Española. Encuentro, Madrid.
- Rubalcaba. L. (2001) La economía de los servicios a empresas en Europa, Pirámide, Madrid.
Capítulos de libros:
- Rubalcaba, L. (2017) Competitiveness. In Richardson, D. et al. (Eds) The International Encyclopedia of Geography. People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0585
- Rubalcaba, L. (2016) Social innovations and relationships with service and system innovations. In Toivonen, M (ed) Service Innovation. Novel Ways of Creating Value in Actor Systems. Springer.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2016) Competitiveness. In Richardson, D. et al. (Eds) The International Encyclopedia of Geography. People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell
- Rubalcaba, L. and Toivonen, M. (2015). Internationalisation of services: modes and the particular case of KIBS. In Peter Daniels and John Bryson (Eds) The Handbook of Service Business. Edward Elgar.
- Rubalcaba, L. Gallego, J, Di Meglio G. (2013). Social Innovation and Private-Public Innovation Networks in Services. In Ruiz, C. & Parra, C. (Eds) New forms of organization in knowledge-based societies: Social innovation, non-profit organizations and Social Entrepreneurship. NY: Routledge
- Rubalcaba, L. (2011) The challenges for service innovation and service innovation policies. In Promoting Innovation in the Services Sector. Review of Experiences and Policies. The United Nations, UNECE, New York and Geneva, pp. 3-29.
- Rubalcaba, L., Visintin, S. (2010) Crossing borders: exploring the relationships between different modes of international provision of services. In Business service, competitiveness and internationalization, Rubettino Editore, Roma, Italy
- Maroto, A., Rubalcaba, L. (2008) Structure, size and reform of the European public sector. In Entrepreneurship, creativity and management. Edited by Paul Windrum and Per Koch, Edward Elgar, pp 41-62.
- Rubalcaba, L. and Van Welsum, D. (2007), Globalisation and Global Sourcing in Business Services. In The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth. Edited by Luis Rubalcaba and Henk Kox. Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 213-230.
Artículos en revistas internacionales de referencia:
- Van der Have, R., and Rubalcaba, L. (2016) Social innovation: an emerging research field? Research Policy 45(9), 1923–1935
- Rubalcaba, L. (2016) Social innovation and its relationships with service and system innovations. In Toivonen, M (ed) Service Innovation. Novel Ways of Creating Value in Actor Systems. Springer. Pp 69-93.
- Windrum, P. Schartinger, D., Rubalcaba, L., Gallouj, F and Toivonen, M. (2016) The Co-Creation of MultiAgent Social Innovations: A Bridge Between Service and Social Innovation Research. European Journal of Innovation Management, 19 (2), 150-166
- Rubalcaba, L., Aboal, D., and Garda, P. (2016) Service innovation in developing economies: evidence from Latin-American and the Caribbean. Journal of Development Studies 52(5), 607-626
- Rubalcaba, L, Gago, D., Ariano, M, Tripathi, A. (2016) Services and innovation for the competitiveness of the Ecuadorian economy, Policy Research Working Paper 7767, The World Bank Group
- Rubalcaba, L. (2015) Service innovation for developing economies: Policy rationale and framework. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol 51 (3), 540-557.
- Aboal, D., Crespi, G., and Rubalcaba, L. (2015) La Innovación y la Nueva Economía de Servicios en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. IDB and CINVE.
- Lagunes, H., Rubalcaba, L. (2016) External sources for innovation in public organizations. The Services industries Journal. 35, 13, 710-727
- Maroto, A., Rubalcaba, L, Gallego, J. (2016) Publicly Funded R&D for Public Sector Performance and Efficiency: Evidence from Europe. R&D Management 46 (S2), 564-578.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2015) Service innovation for developing economies: Policy rationale and framework. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(3), 540-557.
- Lagunes, H. and Rubalcaba, L. (2015) External sources for innovation in public organizations. The Services industries Journal, 35(13), 710-727.
- Di Meglio G, Stare M, Maroto A, Rubalcaba L (2015). Public services performance: an extended framework and empirical assessment across the enlarged EU. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (2), 321-341.
- Hipp, C., Gallego, J., and Rubalcaba, L. (2015) Shaping innovation in European knowledge-intensive business services. Service Business, 9(1), 41-55.
- Battisti, G., Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L., and Wimdrum, P. (2015) Open innovation in services: knowledge sources, intellectual property rights and internationalization. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24(3), 223-247.
- Gallouj, F., Weber, M., Stare, M., and Rubalcaba, L. (2015) The futures of the service economy in Europe: a foresight analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 94, 80–96.
- Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A. and Rubalcaba, L. (2015), On the ‘How Many Europes’ Debate: Varieties of Service Economies. Journal of Economic and Social Geography (Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie), 106 (3): 307–320.
- Rubalcaba, L. and Toivonen, M. (2015). Internationalisation of services: modes and the particular case of KIBS. In Peter Daniels and John Bryson (Eds) The Handbook of Service Business. Edward Elgar.
- Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Suarez, C. (2013). Knowledge for Innovation in Europe: The Role of external knowledge on firms’ cooperation strategies. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2034.
- Hipp, C., Rubalcaba, L. and Gallego, J. (2013). Services and organisational innovation: The right mix for value creation. Management Decision, 51 (6), 1117 – 1134
- Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Hipp, C. (2013) Organisational innovation in small European firms: A multidimensional approach. International Small Business Journal, V 31, 5, 563-579
- Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J., Gallo MT and Garrido R., (2013). Business services location and market factors in major European cities. Cities. Vol. 31, 258–266.
- Rubalcaba, L. Michel, S, Sundbo, Brown, S. W. and Reynoso, J., (2012) Shaping, organizing, and rethinking service innovation: a multidimensional framework, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 23 Iss: 5, pp.696 – 715. (Highly Commended paper award for JOSM 2012)
- Rubalcaba, L. Gallego, J., Den Hertog, P. (2010). The case of market and system failures in services innovation The Service Industries Journal: Vol 30, 4, 549-566.
- Visintin, S., Maroto, A, Di Meglio, G. and Rubalcaba, L. (2010) The Role of Cost Related Factors in the Competitiveness of European Services. The Global Economy Journal (bepress). Vol. 10, Issue 3: 4.
- Rubalcaba, L. Gallego, J, Gago, D. (2010) On the differences between goods and services innovation. Journal of Innovation Economics 5: 17-40
- Stare, M. and Rubalcaba, L. (2009). International Outsourcing of Services – What Role for Central and East European Countries? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 45, 5, 31-46.
- Rubalcaba, L. and Di Megio, G. (2009). Services in the EU competition policy. Journal of Service Science, 1, 2, 121-146.
- Maroto, A. and Rubalcaba, L. (2008) Service Productivity Revisited. The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 28, 3, 337-353. (Editor’s choice in the 17 best papers list along 30 years of the SIJ).
- Gago, D. and Rubalcaba, L. (2007) ICT and innovation in services: towards a multidimensional approach for impact assessment. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 17, 25-44
- Gacía-Goñi, M., Maroto, A., and Rubalcaba, L. (2007) Workers’ motivation in European health services. Health Policy, Vol 84/2-3: 344-358
Documentos de trabajo
- Rubalcaba, Land Montes, O. (2015) Innovation and Investment Climate: South East lessons learnt for SICA countries. Growth Dialogue Institute, 45. Washington DC.
- Deschryvere, M. and Rubalcaba, L. (2014) Evidence on the role of user orientation for innovation and productivity in Finnish service firms. Asialics conference. Daegu, Korea.
- Rubalcaba, L. Gallouj, F, Windrum, P. Toivonen, M. (2014) Service innovation and social innovation: An analytical framework and its application to health services Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering Edited By Louis Freund and Wojciech Cellary. Proceedings of the 5th AHFE Conference 19-23 July 2014: 623-636
- Van den Have, R. and Rubalcaba, L. (2013) The emergence of the social innovation research. RESER International conference, Aix en Provence, France. September.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Innovation and the New Service Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB publications. Discussion paper IDC-DP-291.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Analytical framework for service and social innovation in education and the role of communities. Working paper, Boston University (mimeo).
- Montes, O. Gallouj, F. and Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Social innovation in education: Theoretical framework and international evidence Working Paper. Presented in the Workshop on Social Innovation CLERSE/University of Lille1, Lille (France), December, 2013
- Rubalcaba, L, Windrum, P., Gallouj, F., Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A., Sundbo, J and Webber, M. (2011) The contribution of public and private services to European growth and welfare, and the role of public-private innovation networks. ServPPIN Final Report. ServPPIN Working Papers.
- Baker, P., Miles, I., Rubalcaba, L., Plaisier, N., Tamminen, S, De Voldere, I. (2008) Study on industrial policy and services. Commissioned by the European Commission (DG Enterprise), ECORYS, Brussels/Rotterdam
- Rubalcaba, L. (2008) Business services in the globalisation age: a European perspective. Reser working papers Number. 2.
- Kox, H, and Rubalcaba, L. (2007) Analysing the contribution of business services to European Economic Growth. Bruges European Economic Research Papers, Number 9.